Saturday, June 25, 2016

mostly planets (Blue Mountains)

We set up various tracking mounts on the Observing Pad. Polar-aligned them as it got dark. For the participants of the astro-imaging workshop. It looked like the tripod section of a camera store.

10:10 PM, Friday 24 June 2016. Viewed Jupiter. One moon just touching. The other three were on the other side in a triangle.

11:18 PM. Checked the weather from the Davis weather station. 10 minute average wind speed, 0 km/h; wind direction, NNE; immediate wind speed, 0; high wind, 24.1; outside humidity, 69%; barometer, 1018.6 hPa; outside temp, 16.1 degrees C.

11:45. We spotted the shadow on Jupiter!

12:09 AM, Saturday 25 June 2016. Viewed Mars. Good conditions. Identified Syrtis Major. At one point Hellas popped!

12:43 AM. Viewed Saturn. Spotted Dione and Tethys below, Titan above. Also noted a bunch of stars above.

1:33. Viewed 32 Com. Orange, blue, and dim grey or yellow. 32 Com A, B, and C with the 27mm ocular in the C14. A and B were very wide. A and C edge to edge—super wide. Not really sure where this came from. It was in my View Again in SkyTools but there was no log entry. Also it was not in life list... Looks like it is a target in the ETU.

[ed: Haas refers to this target as 32-33 Com. She's describing the A and B stars only. She thinks the "vivid" colours are "bright grapefruit orange" but a "fainter pearly white." SkyTools calls the B star HD 111892; and the system STFA 23 (Appendix 1).]

2:15. Helped Genevieve with imaging M13.


I realised that 32 Com came from Lucian, one of the people on my double star project team. Good suggestion!

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