Monday, November 25, 2013

considered clinic

Sent a message on the Operations group. Asked if we want to do the new owners telescopic clinic again. Provided links to my formal report. I didn't say it in this message but I wanted to see what kind of support I'd get. And if they read the report, they'd see that I didn't want to do it all by myself again...


Chris thought it a great idea and offered to help again.

Allard thought it a great event. He "ran the numbers" and found that 12 people of the 33 were members. He said it was a "pretty good conversion." Not exactly. 11 of those were already members. As far as I know, we only converted one. Then he suggested a different type of clinic only for members, with higher level items.

Leslie said it would be good to do after Christmas.

Phil said he was willing to help.

Ralph offered to help.

Katrina said she was willing to volunteer.

Eric said that it should be noted in SCOPE, if we proceed.

Ed said, "I'm in again."

Jason thought it a great idea and something that we do every year.

I started to reach out to those first respondents so to build an organisational team...

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