The Moon was bright in the west (with a halo tinged in red) and Jupiter was high up (intense white).
I turned south and took in all of Orion: orange Betelgeuse top-left, blue Rigel bottom-right, white Bellatrix top-right, and Saiph. I also viewed Alnitak, left-most in the belt. Forgot the names of the other two belt stars (Alnilam and Mintaka, of course). Could see ν (nu) and above, the "fuzzy" star of M42 and M43. I was able to just make out λ (lambda) above.
Sirius in Canis Major was flickering wildly and showing various colours. Procyon was a bit more stable. I spotted β (beta) to the right of Sirius.
The twins caught my eye was well, off in the east, fairly high, Castor above Pollux.
I zig-zagged on the little streets and tried to avoid the sides with street lights.
The frost on the cars glittered in the darkness. It won't be long now.
1 comment:
Note the Winter Hexagon. Some call it, The Football.
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