Saturday, July 25, 2009

hacked CAO server

This was a little embarrassing. I totally forgot what I changed the new Windows XP account password to on the CAO server. After all the trouble I put Charles through, I forgot the damned password.

So, immediately upon arriving at the CAO, I sat down in front of the box and began hacking it.

I was briefly distracted by the fact that I could not gain access to the internet... That was a different issue. A new problem (with this damned server)! Stay focused, I chided myself. I transferred the needed software via one of my USB memory flash thingees. In a few minutes I determined my password. Dumbass. No, that was not the password...

I reset the password to a very strong one. And properly documented it in my notes! Sheesh. Wasn't expecting to have to hack my own account...

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