Wednesday, September 03, 2008


One of those strange circular conversations ensued during the ride home after the RASC Toronto Centre meeting...

Tony asked me if I still wanted to be a CAO supervisor. Curiously, a little cautiously, I answered that I did. I thought it a unusual question. He said that I did not give him the impression that I did, given my questioning to him, previously, about the pros and cons. I did not mean to make it seem I was ambivalent; just wanted to know what I was getting into.

I told him that I was taking my time since nothing could be done this year. He asked me why I thought that. Because that's what Dietmar told me! He said he thought Dietmar simply meant that all the weekends for this season were already booked so we didn't need anyone (unless something goes wrong) for 2008. OK. So?

Tony said that didn't mean I couldn't be trained. I told Tony I already was being trained. That Dietmar and Ian W had spent a lot of time with me coaching, training, explaining. That's part of what last weekend was all about! Learning the C14. Practising...

He talked more about what it meant in terms of commitment. And, of course, what the perks were. I acknowledged that I understood these.

He talked about if I was trained formally now I could be a backup. And I could go up any time over the balance of the year. All that sounded good.

OK. Where did that leave us?

Tony said he'd initiate the subsequent steps... Good. Now that we got that settled.


OK. Maybe I didn't come right out and say, "I want to do this!" But then, I thought I had the whole winter to let them know...

It's water under the bridge.

Still, I sent Tony an email to confirm my interest.

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