Friday, December 29, 2006

suddenly clear (Union)

Flicked off the TV, heading for bed. I remembered that I had not yet locked the garage. Without turning the light on in the laundry room, I felt around for the keys. I also manually turned off the side security light. And then I stepped out.

Into a star-sprinkled sky. Damn. Wouldn't you know it. The clouds had broken and it was quite clear. Not perfect, mind you. There was a lot of twinkle from stars high up. And the moon was fogging the western sky. Luna was not due to set until another 2 hours and I was not prepared to stay up that late. In part because I needed to get up early the next day—lots planned.

Still, I spent a moment. Orion was past the south meridian, high up. Lambda though was washed out from the moon. Very strong impression of the hunter with his bow.

The Pleiades could be made out in the glow but Taurus was almost invisible.

Canis Major was completely visible, high above the trees to the south, although Sirius, blue-white, was winking like it was just off the horizon.

I can pick out the constellation Gemini now. Castor and Pollux almost straight overhead. I don't know my constellations further east of Gemini though.

Saturn was not very bright and was still behind the neighbour's big tree.

Thought I saw a meteor out of the corner of my eye, almost straight up, short and quick, maybe heading east to west, from Leo? Or it could have been a reflection in my eyeglasses...

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