Picked his brain about the Newtonian telescope he gave to Mom. He bought it at a local auction (in St. Thomas) on a whim about 10 years ago (so, 1996?). He got it with the original Edmund eyepiece. It was later that he mail-ordered the Meade OR eyepieces.
He intimated that he never really used it; his brother commandeered it for a number of years.
I discussed the fixes I've applied to his old 'scope: the successful collimation, the motor drive refurbish, making the dolly to ease transport, adding the shower cap covers, adding the Telrad finder, and the (recently) completed Telrad heater.
Told him about all my future projects: the finder scope heater, the binos heater, the dew heater controller box, the heaters for the newt secondary, newt eyepiece, and camera lenses, the fan over the newt's primary mirror, the lubrication of the mounts and clock drive.
Al also suggested that he had a dob (with a dirty mirror). That'd be wild if he did and he brought it over to Mom's during my next star party...
Gotta send him some of the links I found on cleaning mirrors.
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