Sunday, October 06, 2019

quiet time at CAO

Supervised at the Carr Astronomical Observatory this weekend. Quiet.

A family due on Friday cancelled. Dave tried for clear skies on Friday but the lingering clouds sent him home. Doug, in the 'hood, popped by.

Rhonda and I had a fantastic time with our Elaine and Tony.

It was a mini work-party for me.

I ran the dehumidifier in the library during the whole weekend. Then programmed it to cycle on in the evenings. Programmed the baseboard heaters. Fixed an issue with one of the security DVRs. I winterised two ride-on mowers and one walk-behind self-propelled mower. I topped up the SLA batteries for the winter storage. I worked on the backup power supply. I replaced a bad plug on an ethernet line. I secured a telescope in a dovetail plate. I reconnected the SQM to our LAN, the last device to reconfigure to our new subnet. For the new router, I made a simple reflector so to easily check the top-mounted LED indicators. I deployed a new flashlight for the downstairs fire station.

A zone of the LAN is still behaving badly and I could not determine the root cause.

Of course, the skies cleared up nicely, and the air warmed as we were leaving. Too bad we couldn't phone in sick.

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