Tuesday, February 25, 2014

three planets (Mississauga)

Spotted bright Venus 5 degrees east of the crescent Moon. They both sported halos from thin cloud. Too harried to take a photo.

While at the bus stop, shivering in the cold, I scanned for Mars. Like a couple of days ago, I spotted a bright point to the right of Venus. But it just didn't seem as bright as I expected. Can't be Mars, I thought. Checked Astrolabe on the iTouch. Ah ha!

I had been looking at Saturn! Cool. Made sense: dimmer, beige colour, without bright star nearby.

I turned further west. Duh! There's Mars. A bright orange, low in the sky, setting, and nearly vertical with blue Spica.


Same "wall" of clouds over the lake, once again, seen from the 35 bus. Must be something do with the extreme cloud.

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