Saturday, September 28, 2013

helped at TSF (Toronto)

Helped at Toronto Science Festival, specifically the telescope clinic part.

Decided to drive in. Heard that Andy needed a lift. Did some errands and then picked him up at his home. This allow him to lug the 8" beast.

Arrived at the campus and was shown to a free parking space right beside the observing site by an enthusiastic security guard. Katrina parked behind me. Received parking pass. Said hello to Sharmin and Leslie and Ralph.

Spotted Kiron in the early part of the evening, with his binoculars on a tripod. He was often busy or on the phone. Near the end when I went to say hello he was gone.

Met Michael Reid. Very nice. He was very thankful.

Helped members set up their telescopes.

A family arrived and asked for help with their new telescope. Yeh! They had only used it once before. A small reflector on an aluminium tripod. I sorted it out for them, got it working. Without a big quarry like the Moon or Jupiter, we went for some double stars. But by then, the clouds had rolled in. Still, they were very happy. The girl was cute with her little notebook. The little boy seemed pretty interested too. Dad was pleased for them.

Viewed the Ring (Messier 57 or M57) in Drew's big SCT with and without an oxygen filter. Viewed Albireo in Katrina's refractor. Saw δ (delta) Cep, the variable and double in Andy's 8". Viewed Uranus in Chris's big Lightswitch.

We went the Einstein pub afterwards. An awful band. Extremely loud music between sets. We couldn't talk to each other. Absolutely terrible service. The server forgot my drink and never took my food order. Lame. Spoiled my mood. Older now, can stand the racket, when it's good.

Took Andy home and then headed west.


I was pleased that I was able to help one family out.

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