Friday, December 21, 2007

solstice lanterns

I've been going to the winter solstice festival in Kensington market for a couple of years. Since the beginning, I envisioned a lantern design which, frankly, I was surprised that no one else had thought of and made. This year? I did it!

Photo by Alexa Clark. Above, a good shot showing the overall mobile. Saturn is just barely visible, cut off, on the right.

Photo by Alexa Clark. Above, detail of Saturn.

Photo by Jeff Plotnikoff. Above, the Sun looks really good.

Photo by Jeff Plotnikoff. Above, the mobile behind my chair during dinner. To my right is my good buddy Gerry. I made quite an entrance at House of Gourmet... Aah, the Moon's caught in a shrubbery!

Big thanks to Hilary and Cam for giving me a ride down to the event (in the Volvo wagon). And to Margot for the ride home afterwards (in her SUV). I don't know how I would have transported this in a regular vehicle. And I would have bonked a lot of people on the streetcar!

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