I bought two books online at
Chapters Indigo (using my recently renewed member discount card) and they arrived today.

The first book is
double stars for small telescopes by Sissy Haas from Sky & Telescope (CDN$21). This soft cover is essentially my "exchange" book. My sister gave me
Practical Skywatching for Christmas but I was concerned it was too basic. When I asked about exchanging it, my Mom said she'd buy it from me. She wanted a primer. So we struck the deal.
As I get into double and multiple stars more, I thought it would be good to get a highly recommended book.

The second book is
Turn Left at Orion (TLAO) by Consolmagno and Davis from Cambridge University Press (CDN$22). Hard cover.
I first borrowed (sic) this book from the Toronto Public Library and was, like when reading
All About Telescopes (AAT), blown away. Even though an old work (first published in 1989), I found the content applicable and exciting. Stuff I probably should have read years ago, when I first got my telescope. And I realised a book like this would be most useful right at the telescope!
Lots of reading to do!
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